Seeking Your Well Done



As this 17 day P1010622trip to the North comes to a close, I have realized that this trip has been bitter sweet.

The sweetness was spending time with family, being able to attend Memorial Day celebrations and birthday parties.



We also were able to meet up with old friends


and meet new ones. P1010742


And as I was created to do, I was able to teach and minster to people.


As thP1010806is trip has been also about walking the piers, crossing Lake Michigan on a big boat,

it also has been a time of healing from my past.




Therefore Rob and I took lots of walks and I took lots of pictures.

I teach people every day that if you want to relocate, great! Start over, awesome!

But I warn; make sure you are running towards and not away.

Part of my healing from my past, was for me to come back to my hometown and face my demons head on. My demons are part of my story and they are used everyday to help people overcome their past. But as much as I hate to admit it, I do allow my demons to take up too much residence in my present.

Because of my self-confidence in what I teach and more importantly what God created me to do, you would never know. But it’s the fear of failure, the fear of never being good enough that keeps me from achieving that next level that I dream of.

It’s my low self-esteem. It’s the lack of value I see in myself.

So how do I start to change the low self-esteem?

God taught me, on this trip, that my value comes from being a daughter of the most High King. And the only “well done, good and faithful servant” that has any bearing on my value as a person, is that of Gods.

As this trip of training and equipping comes to a close I can’t but wonder what God has in store next?

My question for you is, what do you do to hear from people, “well done”?

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