Are you in a role of Social Work?

Are you a Pastor who is in the thick of things?

Are you the one who hears stories of abuse, addiction, hopelessness day in and day out?

Have you ever heard of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout?

Take this test and let us know your answers.  Don’t go it alone anymore.

Compassion Fatigue Test**


Are you trying to figure out where you fit in the Kingdom?

Are you tired and want to give up?

Do you just need someone who is not in your innercircle to bounce ideas off of?

Are  you looking for someone who will help you navigate this life called Ministry?

Contact Meredith today by filling out this form:





**We encourage people to use the ProQOL. The following permission is on the measure. If you would like further information about permissions, or would like to request specific permission, use the link above.

The ProQOL measure may be freely copied as long as (a) author is credited, (b) no changes are made other than those authorized below, and (c) it is not sold.