“Those” Women

As I sat in class I heard her speaking but my mind kept wandering…what about the women like me?

What about the ones who don’t look like you?

What about the ones that have fallen on hard times?

What about the ones who have or are addicted?

My brain snapped back to attention when I heard her say, ” well you have to be worth my time. You have to commit your time to meet with me.”

My thoughts started floating back to all the women God has put in my path who don’t look like me and have different circumstances in their life that I have walked with.

If I used her model of ministry, I am afraid to think of how many missed appointments I would have had, that God would hold me accountable for because I felt my time was more valuable than their growth and eternity.

She did finally talk about those that were “different”, and how excited she was that her and her “girls” we’re able to go and serve “those” women.

“Those” women are NOT a project.

“Those” women have potential too.

“Those” women were created in the image of God.

“Those” women are your neighbor and the ones the Priest and the Levite didn’t have time for either.

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