Open Concept, What a Novel Idea

Have you ever had a meeting with someone and after that meeting you can’t stop thinking about something that was said?

I was meeting with Paula Mosher Wallace and as she was sharing her story, I saw a house that was built in the early 1900’s, it was small and every room had 4 walls and a door. P1070606 There was no seeing into the room from any other room. You only could see what was in that room if you walked in, looked through the window or the door just happened to be open when you were walking down the hallway.

The next vision I saw was what today HGTV stars would call an “open concept”.  open conecpt

You can stand in one place, look from one end to the other with nothing obstructing the view or the flow.

The more she was talking about compartmentalizing our abuse the more I found myself realizing how many times I have compartmentalized my healing.

I realized that as I have been “working on myself”, I would, for a lack of a better analogy, shut the door and not return to that room unless something came up and I needed to revisit it.  I would then go onto the next “room”, (item that I needed to work on), get it to where I thought it was “good enough” and then walk out, turn off the light and shut the door.

I realized today that by compartmentalizing my healing, that I was not working on myself also as a whole.

I thought that by working on things one at a time that they did not affect the other parts of my life.  The problem is that it all affects me and who I am.

By saying, this happened over here, so therefore it only affects this portion of me; well I am lying to myself.

I did not become a successful business owner overnight, it took months, years. It took me maturing and learning. It took adding one skill to the last to build the person I became in business.

So my challenge as I am working through my own “brokenness” and “healing”, I need to tear down some walls, place some I-Beams for structural support (God’s arms) and realize to be completely free that what is broken in the spare bedroom, really does affect the way you interact in the kitchen.

Please feel free to fill out the contact form if:

  1. You are broken and just need to know someone is praying for you
  2. You are broken are ready to heal
  3. You are broken and just don’t know where to turn

***for information about Paula Mosher Wallace  please visit her website  and learn about her book “Bloom in the Dark”.***